3 am Rambles.

I often wonder if I'm lying to the people who care about me, or am I choosing to even lie to myself. Why am I the way I am? Unnecessarily complicating every aspect of my presence. Nothing awful has really happened in my life, with an pretty ordinary life I should have been grateful, contended... Continue Reading →

Be Stupid( 3am Rambles)

I just finished a 20-minute video of Vir Das talking about the importance of stupidity in our lives. Out of all the statements floating around telling about the different ways of making your life worth on this planet, being stupid is that one thing that got engraved in my brain. All our lives we have... Continue Reading →

3 am Rambles(2)

I wonder when does it get easier? As long as I can remember I have struggled with loneliness. Be it inside my tiny room or outside in the mall, my friends laughing around or the silent nights. Loneliness has always somehow accompanied me, following me through all my ups and down. Like a friend that... Continue Reading →

3 am Rambles. (1)

I can't sleep at night, Not because that sadness has overcome my calmness or that the miserable emotions swell up every time I try to close my eyes. It's just an side effect of the thoughts that find a way to process only @3 am. When the world sleeps, it feels calm, serene and peaceful.... Continue Reading →

What’s the hurry?

What’s wrong with us? Nothing and everything. Not everyone is born to outshine the crowd, in fact most of us are meant to join the crowd. If everyone pops up to be the leader, the world will collapse and all the leaders buried under the dust of arrogance and ego. Yes, we are taught to... Continue Reading →


Mr Invisible, You have always been treated as a myth yet I can feel you on me sucking it all slowly. I can’t seem to get your sticky claws away, for you find a way to grab me again. You feel like an infinite pool and I seem to drown in it, I keep struggling... Continue Reading →

The Perfect Fake

Turbulence, confusion, fear all the diseases were locked inside him. It is strange how people describe you as if they were beside you, acting like a life guard when your ship sank and wreaked you from inside out. All he wanted was to not think at all, to enjoy whatever was left of him. Though... Continue Reading →

The Kill

  You killed a child with a perfect little smile. Whose dreams soared high like the stars in sky. He struggled and cried out for help, Yet the tip of the knife slowly slit his throat.   The comic books now lie beside his bed, Craving for the pages to breath in life. The sound... Continue Reading →

Clashing Swords

To the weak side of me I say shut up, do not destroy me the way you did before. Show me a way to crush you, to throw you away into the oblivion. I fear you more than death for you kill me each time you crawl up with your wickedness in your long crooked... Continue Reading →


I can't belong to this world where I have been thrown down whenever I  try to be ME. They say I am fake or too emotional. They say I am fat or too skinny. They said my imperfections make me incapable to even fall in love. So I decided to wear a mask which has... Continue Reading →

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